10 Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar

CAUTION: This article could be dangerous! Why? Because after reading it you’re likely to walk away thinking, “I don’t have any of those symptoms, so I must not have high blood sugar.” The problem is that many people don’t show any signs of high blood sugar until it begins wreaking havoc on their body.

High blood sugar is a sign of prediabetes or full-blown type 2 diabetes. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that over 29 million people in America have diabetes. The scary part is that one in four, or over 7 million people don’t even know they have the disease and the consequences can be deadly.[1]

Additionally, an estimated 86 million Americans have prediabetes, a condition in which blood sugar levels are already elevated and beginning to inflict damage. And in the case of prediabetes, 90 percent of those people don’t know that they have high blood sugar.[2]

I think you see now, why this article could be dangerous!

However, sometimes subtle changes in our bodies, the way we feel, or the way we respond to stimuli around us can tip us off that something is very wrong. A simple blood test can solve the dilemma and tell us whether our problem is high blood sugar or not.

Here are 10 signs that could indicate that you have high blood sugar: [3], [4], [5], [6]

  1. Increased thirst. If for no apparent reason, you suddenly feel thirsty all the time, it could be your body telling you that you have high blood sugar.
  2. Frequent urination. This sign follows from the last. If you’re drinking more fluids, you’re likely to urinate more often. Sometimes people recognize this sign because it wakes them up repeatedly at night. If this is happening to you, it may be time to have your blood glucose levels tested.
  3. Recurrent fatigue. High blood sugar usually means that your cells are already gorged with sugar and can’t accept anymore. Cells need sugar for energy, but too much sugar is like smothering a campfire with too much wood. The result is your cells are unable to get the energy they need and fatigue sets in.
  4. Increased appetite. High blood sugar usually means high insulin levels as well, because your cells are resistant to insulin. People with high insulin levels often crave sugary and high-carb foods.
  5. Enlarged abdomen. When blood sugar levels are high, people tend to carry their weight around their middle. If this describes your body configuration, you may be suffering from high blood sugar.
  6. Frequent headaches. A headache can be brought on by an imbalance in fluid or electrolytes in the body. When your blood sugar and insulin levels are too high, they throw your body out of whack. Headaches may be the warning sign your body is giving you.
  7. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. High levels of blood sugar triggering high levels of insulin can cause women to produce too much androgen (a male sex hormone). This overproduction of androgen may be a contributing factor in polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  8. Increased acne. As mentioned, when sugar is high in the blood, it’s likely that insulin will be also. Increased insulin levels stimulate higher levels of the male hormone testosterone and can cause skin problems especially on the face.
  9. Frequent mood swings. The human body is a finely tuned instrument. But when blood sugar levels continue to be high, the body’s hormones are thrown out of balance. Irritability and mood swings can result.
  10. More infections. With heightened blood sugar, the risk for bacterial and fungal growth increases. If you find yourself getting sick more frequently, your blood sugar levels may be too high.

High blood sugar is often the result of lifestyle choices that have snuck up on us. Many people have found that by changing their lifestyle, especially in terms of eating right and exercising regularly, they have been able to lower their blood sugar levels and eliminate these symptoms.

If you think you might have any of the warning signs of high blood sugar, put your mind at ease and go to your doctor for a simple blood test. Also, let me introduce you to a man who was able to lower his blood sugar and even combat type 2 diabetes. I think you’ll be surprised when you see who it is and hear his testimonial!

[1] US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Diabetes Infographic,” 2014, http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/images/diabetes-infographic.jpg.

[2] US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Diabetes Infographic.”

[3] WebMD, “Symptoms of High Blood Sugar,” June 4, 2014, http://www.webmd.com/diabetes/tc/symptoms-of-high-blood-sugar-topic-overview.

[4] The Diabetic Guide, “10 Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar,” nd, http://thediabeticguide.com/10-warning-signs-of-high-blood-sugar/1/.

[5] Liver Doctor, “12 Signs of Insulin Resistance,” September 14, 2015, https://www.liverdoctor.com/signs-of-insulin-resistance/.

[6] Jaime Herndon, “Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome,” Healthline, August 3, 2015, http://www.healthline.com/health/polycystic-ovary-disease#Overview1.

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